Check out our new service: Replenish IV!
Dearborn Office:
22976 Outer Dr
Dearborn, MI 48124
IV Technician Training
Have you considered a career in healthcare? Since most people who wish to learn IV must possess or have some experience in phlebotomy or other healthcare related position, the IV certification course has been off limits to many. That has now changed.
Upcoming Classes
​Iron Mountain
November 5th, 2024
5:30pm - 7:30pm
Class registration for each of these classes is $300, which includes tuition, books, and all testing supplies. Tuition is due prior to the start date of class. Students are required to wear scrubs and a lab coat to all classes.
Students taking this course need to have the following experience or credentials;
Students should have at least 6 months full-time experience as a practicing phlebotomist, medical assistant, registered nurse, LPN, NP, PA, MD, dental hygienist, dentist, EMT, Paramedic or Fire Fighter.
Knowledge of patient care and venipuncture is required.
To learn more, or to schedule your training course, please
register at the link below or give us a call at (906) 239-6830.
Tuition payments must be made prior to classes starting in order to secure your spot. Tuition is non-refundable.